Your independent research supervisor and research consultant


Research solutions for students, practitioners, businesses and non-profit organisations




"We survey for you"


Using a licensed version of SurveyMonkey® and your questionnaire, we design and develop your customized online survey. 

You receive a customized link and daily updates on responses.

At the end of the response time, we send you the survey responses in spreadsheet format.


On request we do a basic data analysis

and data visualization using Microsoft® Excel®


Types of surveys


Employee satisfaction

Employee engagement

Company culture

Values congruency

360 feedback

Academic survey




"We search for you"


Looking for material for your academic research?

Need evidence-based material on a business-critical theme?

Short on time, or internet trawling not your thing?


Based on your brief we provide links to a selection of available literature in academic open-access sources, databases and expert knowledge available in the public domain. 


Should your brief require it, we provide a structured environmental scan of the literature - abstracts and extracts - from open-access sources and the wider online environment.




"We read for you"


Need to make a business decision on a complex issue?

Looking for a summary of publications and expert knowledge on a business critical theme?


Outsource your searching and reading

and let us read for you!


Let us provide you with a literature review

or white paper on your topic.



Are you a student or practitioner embarking on Master's level studies?

Uncertain of your research topic, your approach

or the general research process?

What about the ethical component - research ethics, values

and potential impact on your research participants?


You can use the services of

an independent research supervisor and research consultant

to join you on your journey. 





  • Why am I doing this? How do I make this research meaningful for myself and others? What is my overall purpose with the research results?
  • What will the research effort require from me?
  • How does my ethics and values reflect in my research?
  • What has already been written about my topic?
  • What gap do I want to fill with my research?
  • How do I translate this gap into a research problem or research question?
  • What kind of study will I do? Do I want to explore, explain, describe, or some combination of these?
  • What kind of evidence do I need?
  • What process will I follow to get hold of this evidence?



  • The writing of a research proposal is not the easiest thing to do. How do I document my work so far? How do I tell others what I want to do, why I want to do it and what approach I will follow?



  • What do I need to measure or observe?
  • What questions must I ask?
  • Who should I ask? Individuals, focus groups, anonymous samples?
  • What format is best - survey, interviews, perhaps both?
  • How do I analyse my data?
  • How do I remain motivated? In what way is my research still meaningful? In what way am I still working towards my original purpose?
  • How do I deal with research challenges?



  • The writing of a research report (or thesis, dissertation or academic paper) is hard work. How do I tell others what I did, what I found and what it means?

Contact US


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